Friday, April 6, 2012

The impeached Mind

The most valuable output of nature's chemical backlash is our reasoning mind. Unfortunately, the world is headed to the brink of an undesirable reality, wherein the mind doesn't reason anymore. Those in power work for their own irrational needs while the needy begs for a helping hand his whole life, only to one day die on a busy roadside, unnoticed for days.

The men in power have a very powerful weapon against us. Our own fear, which they feed on. Fear of force,Fear of outcomes, Fear of change, Fear of trust, Fear of reason. From decades, leaders across the globe have proclaimed faith over reason.Faith in the rules they set for us but not for them.They mend and bend their own rules of conduct in the name of public welfare. They rely on their collective mutual consent to rise among the rest of the looters, by whatever means they find handy.

The flaw lies in our moral code of values,We are instilled right from the beginning to obey rules and not to question them and our only aim is to achieve success.They never left us an option of defining what success is for us and what motives are we to consider for ourselves to take the path of glory.Its like the whole herd following the lousy shepherd who carries a stick with him,but no mind to control it.We are taught to think collectively but not objectively,and forced to think on the lines on what they think is good enough for us.We are made to believe that mind is a rare monument of extinction and the left over higher minds that presently exist are termed as the enemy of the state. To savage our consciousnesses is their motive and the power to rule our minds their only lust.

We accept the obsolete notions of nefarious thinking they have imposed on us.Our only mistake is not to question them since we think we have our life sorted out,and what happens outside our cocoon is none of our concern.The needy and that one without power of influence suffers at the hands of the the rich, who justifies and portrays him as the culprit and the one against humanity.The most depraved of all men is the one without a justifiable purpose. The purpose of existence, the reason to trade his labor and mind for his own survival, to prosper and rise in his own eyes, not at the behest of feeding on other's productivity,but his own ability.The most debauched men among the group of all the blind men is the one without a vision.

The mighty atlas was once condemned by zeus and was chastened to hold the heavens on his shoulders.He held it for ages.The more he tried to held it up,the more heavier the heavens became. Only time will mark  the threshhold point when the atlas would decide to refuse to hogwash the pain and that day would be marked as the day when men of pride and strength would stop carrying the burden of unabashed sins on their shoulders.


  1. Okay i see the summary of all the conversations we usually have..People do are concerned mostly about sorting out their own lives.. i think it is difficult to balance both.. you can either be fearlessly concerned about what is happening around or trying to make ur own life better.. it is a matter of choice... but again.. it is a vicious circle of thoughts!

    1. The irony is,,, while trying to make our own lives better, we often effect what is happening around us..learning the nature of that effect and how it can be intensified on a higher scale, can be one ray of thought.. :)

  2. the same thing was being said in "In Time" :D

    1. yea,,Andrew Niccol borrowed that idea from me :P

  3. Quite thoughtful and intriguing !!!
