Saturday, September 22, 2012

Save the cheerleader, Save the world

The highest kind of a moral dissonance a man has today is his ignorance. Building upon the bricks of pre-emptive notions that our ancestors have imbibed in us, we follow a path that has no end but a crossroad of a maze. The world is moving at a constant pace towards its own self destruction.
In an age of moral crisis, everyone is at a juncture of a political dilemma. Faith in the acceptance of the rules set by the men in power. You call sacrifice the greatest of all moralities, but you yourself have sacrificed trust to faith. Faith in the ideologies of others whom you have considered more superior than yourself. People have abandoned the naïve fact of life that congruence is non-existent, and that you have surrendered self to others.
Sitting here in the session where the panel in front of me is strategizing methods to customize business services, I wonder where the world is headed to. Entangled in the cobwebs of capitalism, property possession is what defines our success. What is money? It’s again a medium of exchange of capitalizing value of our work. Forces around the world take political decisions motivated by their own self interest. Self interest? But what defines their own self? A degree from an MIT is what world recognizes them as, and not the number of women he has raped. Your self is not defined by the customized java code you wrote yesterday but by the philosophy that influences you perception. Society is a fulcrum, which can throw you at any side of the beam. Apparently, we have lost the sense of right or wrong, which according to me doesn’t exist in the first place.
The speaker here quantizes relationship to the like of a facebook status. How lame is that ? Isnt that just a podium of a need created by Zuckerberg. Would our sense of emotional stigma have changed if there was no facebook. Incidentally, everything is connected. Nothing can be phased out from our enigmatic moments of our life. But are we evolving to the next level, or deteriorating to the stone age, which finally rises to the question, who the cheerleader is.
Its your code of ideology. Its what defines you in this age of multi-faced personalities. Its what you are not aware of and some event of your life makes you realize. But somewhere down the lane, we have lost the sense of self.
In this age of moral crisis, where agony is what is prevailing in every part of the world, its momentous to discover who you are and what defines you. Its when you don’t sacrifice anything or anyone and eventually discover and gain your true egoistic identity. This is the cheerleader which heals herself exigently, but we do not realize its criticality until the eclipse engulfs. Its then you realize the follies you made your entire life and things you are not proud of. Its what was relevant at that moment, but whose definition changed with the passage of time.
Guess Claire Benette has taken a lot of time to surface her up and make a point, but the fact the she did, is what’s relevant now for the world…..

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Evolution of Ideologies

Generations unfold, father to son, mother to daughter. When one falls down, other follows. It’s through their spectacles that we see the world. Do we see them as an example to follow, or a warning of what to abstain, choosing to create our own selflessness? Is that what we choose or does destiny drives us back to the familiar corners of our comfort zone. Is it destiny that defines our future or do we still retrospect the world from our viewpoint. It’s a question that we ask ourselves every moment, but then fall down on the web of clogged preaching of our ancestors. From thousands of years, generations have followed of what was thought was good for them, passed on to them from their fore goers, giving their judgement the most exigent honour-trust.
Our ancestors have endorsed what they thought was relevant for them. There is no questions of speculation on this, given the time they were living in and the level of spiritualization they attained, with the limited resources they had.
Times have changed exceptionally. The world is moving at a pace wherein what seemed relevant before seems outdated and hazy now. The philosophy of conceiving the world has changed, our perception of people around has changed, our way of behaving with our surroundings has changed, WE have changed. Every moment teaches us something new to learn and forms a perception of the way we perceive things around. Every action of another human being builds up an opinion about him. From a human to the ideology of the life, every moment our perception evolves. From the time a man invented fire to the woman who gave up her life for the cause of others, different people follow different outlook of their purpose in life.
There are four kinds of people in this world. The most depraved of all human beings is the one who still hasn’t figured out his purpose in life. They are just innocent babies who chastely move around doing stupid things wandering about aimlessly, existing for the sake of it. Their rules of existence have been defined by their processors and the society, and they follow them without a squeak, blocking any new ideas that would change their life. It’s this philosophy they follow that becomes the strength of the men in power. They know this weakness and adjust their frequencies accordingly to manipulate a victim’s mind and synchronise them with their own good.
Then, there are minds that have evolved, to the extent of defining their own self good. Their self good may involve just themselves or people around them. They go to any extent to be a part of the system and play by the rules. They have the mind to excel in their career and think about what’s good for them and people around. They follow the bible and preach its teachings to their successors. They rules are defined too, but they have an opportunity to mould their paths in a way that synchronises with the convictions of the society.
Then there are people who define their own rules, defining their own self, defining their own destiny. They have set goals which define their true identity. They prove and bring new levels of ideology on their respective field of interest. They set landmarks which teach us that there are things one can experiment with sheer determination and talent. They become ideals to the first two groups of people.
And then, there are minds who think about the world. They work in their own terms and influence people around to work for a larger cause. These are the men, the society should be afraid of. It’s because of these men that world still keeps on thinking for their own good. These are the miniscule living cells of the spirits of the world who know how the world functions. They are the architects of an army of people who seep through system slowly and steadily and plant mines for the men in power. They are the rebels in mask who expound the very meaning of moral codes of existence.
These people are hard to find and they work in reticence. They know that their true identity would destroy the otherwise meaningless peaceful environment around. These are the people who should be respected, and crowned the real heroes on the world. It’s for such people that a real Atlantis should be envisioned in the most sacred place on earth. Time will tell….

Sunday, September 9, 2012

To A.F.Mathews, with love


Such forces are rare to find, ironically because of the corrupted philosophy the world preaches today. These forces are the assets and our only hope to our world, which is today sick with the obsolete foundations that our ancestors have engineered up. The flawed moral code of conduct that has been in practice from ages are now fluctuated by our dear own sir. Since childhood, we have seen people teaching us for the system. They taught us skills that we would require in the future to build our career. We were literate uneducated people who followed what the mob told us to follow; defining what good is for us giving us no option of choice. Apparently, even our parent’s ideology today synchronizes with what the society wants them to think. We so blend into the system, that we what entices us are our academic marks or career building. What is dissolved into our core thoughts is the moral responsibility of being the next generation of managing businesses and carrying out our heir.

Professors like Mathew teach us that everything that we see is just our illusionary dilemma. It’s what our older generation has seen and wants us to see. It’s the men in power who fear us that opening the bottlenecks of our minds may contrive chaos throughout. The very basics of what was thought to be right and wrong had been instilled in us from the very beginning, but little did we know that books were manipulated, thoughts corrupted, writings scrapped off and the truth hidden from us from the point that we understood what senses are.
I would thank Mathew sir, for at least scratching the surface of truth and showing us that world is bigger than the illusionary nest that all of us have cobbled up around us. We still are ignorant fools and most of us would still go on promoting the chunk of capitalism that has entailed this era for long. I am not saying that Mathew sir is the perfect teacher and brings out practical solutions, but he is a plethora of facts and gives us a platform to think on. He tells us to cut down religion, which may be a viable solution but unfeasible. Pulling out people right from the believes they have been living on for years is not an easy task.
The foundation that has been laid since our childhood seems too hazy now. It is we, the minds who have woken up after years, who carry the responsibility to give our next generation a choice. To choose for them and for the world we live in. The men in power would still try to play god. And we, the ignorant ones are given toys of illusions to juggle around with that we don’t question the very code of so called morality. Its people like Mathews, the inspirited minds who call for a strike. A strike against the very system that we survive in. A strike against the corrupted thought process that is instilled from the time when books like Amar chitra Katha are ingested in our minds from the age of 5, to the gender bias we see in this capitalist culture today.
The basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter has been substituted by profits. Profit has become the only motto for existence. Survival for the fittest has become the only rule for subsistence. The economies of scale of the basic moral values of a human, against time have been on the rise. Yes, capitalism has taken over the world over, and according to our dear sir, the only way is to practice socialism all over. Being a novice, I cannot speculate the righteousness of the solution he suggested. Every theory can be judged once it’s brought into practice. And its parameter values vary over different set of ideologies and nations. But the bottom-line is, we need a change. Something is seriously wrong, and things need to be set right. Else the day isn’t far when the spirit of the earth would quench out. When the forces would die out. When the saviors of the world would go missing.
People like Mathews need us. It’s not a one man’s job to carry out the mission he has pledged to decide his life’s fate, and ours. He has spectacled the real value of education to us, the frivolous juggernauts. It’s time we decide the path we decide to take on for ourselves. Let us be the judge for ourselves and our future, and not let time decide what the fate of the world would be.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The impeached Mind

The most valuable output of nature's chemical backlash is our reasoning mind. Unfortunately, the world is headed to the brink of an undesirable reality, wherein the mind doesn't reason anymore. Those in power work for their own irrational needs while the needy begs for a helping hand his whole life, only to one day die on a busy roadside, unnoticed for days.

The men in power have a very powerful weapon against us. Our own fear, which they feed on. Fear of force,Fear of outcomes, Fear of change, Fear of trust, Fear of reason. From decades, leaders across the globe have proclaimed faith over reason.Faith in the rules they set for us but not for them.They mend and bend their own rules of conduct in the name of public welfare. They rely on their collective mutual consent to rise among the rest of the looters, by whatever means they find handy.

The flaw lies in our moral code of values,We are instilled right from the beginning to obey rules and not to question them and our only aim is to achieve success.They never left us an option of defining what success is for us and what motives are we to consider for ourselves to take the path of glory.Its like the whole herd following the lousy shepherd who carries a stick with him,but no mind to control it.We are taught to think collectively but not objectively,and forced to think on the lines on what they think is good enough for us.We are made to believe that mind is a rare monument of extinction and the left over higher minds that presently exist are termed as the enemy of the state. To savage our consciousnesses is their motive and the power to rule our minds their only lust.

We accept the obsolete notions of nefarious thinking they have imposed on us.Our only mistake is not to question them since we think we have our life sorted out,and what happens outside our cocoon is none of our concern.The needy and that one without power of influence suffers at the hands of the the rich, who justifies and portrays him as the culprit and the one against humanity.The most depraved of all men is the one without a justifiable purpose. The purpose of existence, the reason to trade his labor and mind for his own survival, to prosper and rise in his own eyes, not at the behest of feeding on other's productivity,but his own ability.The most debauched men among the group of all the blind men is the one without a vision.

The mighty atlas was once condemned by zeus and was chastened to hold the heavens on his shoulders.He held it for ages.The more he tried to held it up,the more heavier the heavens became. Only time will mark  the threshhold point when the atlas would decide to refuse to hogwash the pain and that day would be marked as the day when men of pride and strength would stop carrying the burden of unabashed sins on their shoulders.